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Paper Title : Study of Efficient Utilization of Power using green Computing
Author Name : Study of Efficient Utilization of Power using green Computing
Abstract : Green computing or green IT, basically concerns to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. The field of green computing is defined as the knowledge and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems which include printers, monitors, and networking, storage devices and communications systems efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. This computing is similar to green chemistry that is minimum utilization of hazardous materials and, maximizing energy efficiency during the products lifetime, and also promote the recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste.
Keywords : Introduction, framework, architecture, Steps towards green computing.
Cite this article : Study of Efficient Utilization of Power using green Computing " Study of Efficient Utilization of Power using green Computing " ,ICETT-2012 ,Page No : 108-113.